How Biden came around to banning Russian gas and oil

The White House knows it risks a serious political hit if gas prices continue to rise.

But on Tuesday, President Biden decided the risk was worth it in order to punish Moscow further for its war in Ukraine and to respond to bipartisan calls to cut off Russia oil and gas.

Biden , U.S , gas and oil , Vladimir Putin
President Biden

A few factors made a difference in Biden’s decision.

Political support for cutting off Russia in Washington and nationwide is high, and voices in both parties were calling for the move.

Russian imports also make up a relatively small amount of the U.S. supply. Russia last year accounted for about 3 percent of U.S. foreign imports of crude oil and about 1 percent of the U.S. supply overall. 

The desire to take a stand against Russian President Vladimir Putin is also high, making it difficult to avoid the choice even in a difficult midterm election year and a populace already irritated with rising prices.  

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